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Medical Aid

Pet Samaritan Fund provides financial assistance to individuals unable to afford medical care for their pet(s). This includes (but is not limited to) spay and neuter. If you or someone you know has a pet not receiving proper medical care due to extreme financial hardship, please contact us.

We are a small organization and generally only support our local area pet owners (Salt Lake and surrounding County residents in Utah)

(Utah residents) To apply for Medical aid, we will ask if you qualify with one of these things:
  • Disability/SSI. (copy of letter)
  • A copy of last year's IRS 1040 (indicating low income)
  • Any card showing you are with a government assistance program. Examples: Medicaid, WIC, food stamps, or Section 8 Housing.
We determine the amount of assistance and repayment arrangement (if any) on a case-by-case basis.

If you are a veterinarian or clinic owner interested in working with Pet Samaritan Fund, contact us.
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